Monday, November 25, 2019

The Modern Chinese Gulags

Recently documents have been leaked to more than 15 news sources including the BBC and the Guardian from the Chinese government stating that there are internment camps in the Xinjiang region of China which is being used to house at least a million people. These internment camps are mainly occupied by Uighurs, which are a muslim community in the north of China, and other ethnic minorities.

There are two tiers of internment camps that are being used in complete secrecy. In the first tier of camps inmates are subjected to ideological transformation, compliance with discipline, and study and training. The document states that inmate can be held indefinitely, but must serve at least a year to complete the "Program." After completing the first tier, inmates are moved to another camp to finish another three to six months of "Labour Skills Training."

There are first hand accounts now being released by people who have went through the camps of torture, rape and abuse. As well as these leaked documents there are credible reports of forced labour in the Xinjiang region. From these documents it is also apparent that these camps are being held in complete secrecy, even with high up officials in the Chinese government.


Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Racial Divide that Bleeds Blue

We have all heard of the racial turmoil that surrounds police officers and their lives but very rarely do we hear of racial tensions within departments. In the St. Luis police departments it is apparent that there is something going on. Many officers state that there are racial tension between black and white officers. It doesn't just come down to white officers being racist towards black officers, it is also Black officers assuming and blaming several white officers of being racist with no context.

This racial divide in the St. Luis department come to an apex when a white officer shot a black officer. In 2017 officer Milton Green was returning home after his shift patrolling the city, when he arrived home he saw a car that had crashed in front of it with a man standing beside it with a gun in hand. Officer green then preceded to pull out his pistol and his badge and confronted that man, while doing so two police cars pulled up because they were chasing that man that officer Green had stopped. When these officers arrived Green lowered his weapon knowing that he was off shift and the the officers could handle it, a white officer named Christopher Tanner then yelled "Lower your weapon" as Green turned around to show his badge to Tanner he heard a gunshot and realized that officer Tanner had shot him in his write arm.

Because of this incident and the lawsuit filled by now retired Green against Tanner, it has raised alarm to the high ups in the department that something is going on in their city between the blue bloods.


Demonstrations in Southern Iraq

There have been large protests and demonstrations being held in southern Iraq, mainly Baghdad, Nasiriyah and Basra. These protests are being held because people are demanding for corruption in the government to end, more jobs and better public services.
Since the beginning of October more that 300 protesters have been shot down and more that a thousand more have been injured because of the want for change in the country. At first these demonstrations were peaceful and only in Baghdad, but after the government responded with the use of deadly force the protests spread throughout the country and became more violent. Many of the protesters participating are younger than 40 and are demanding for change. 


Sunday, October 6, 2019

Biden is sick of Trump

Recently President Trump has been focusing all of his power on braking down former VP Joe Biden's campaign by creating allegations that him and his son are involved in corrupts businesses over seas with Ukraine and China. But many believe that this is just a smoke screen to draw attention away from Trumps questionable work with Ukraine. Biden states "This time, it wont work, because the American people know me- and they know him," This shows that Biden is still holding out hope and know that these allegations will not effect his success.

Biden later states that he will show the American people that he is the one that they want in office and states " You wont destroy me, and you wont destroy my family. And come November 2020, I intend to beat you like a drum."


Uncertainty behind Democrats

In recent weeks there have been many uncertainties revolving around some of the leading Democratic nominees for the 2020 elections. These uncertainties are many revolving around Barry Sanders and former VP Joe Biden, but for two very distinct reasons. For Sanders it is coming with recent health problems, last week Sanders was emitted into the hospital because of a heart attack, this has caused fears to arise that he might not be able to complete his campaign in a timely matter. For Biden he has been met with much criticism from President Trump revolving around his sons foreign affairs.

These problems that have arose for the two leading democratic candidates have given new hope for President Trump and his fans. Many democrats are still holding out hope that these uncertainties will not effect the two nominees campaign trails.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Trumps "Gesture of Good Will"

During President Trumps term he has imposed many new tariffs on goods coming into the United States from China. The reason for this was that he wanted to, in his terms "Make America Great Again" and by imposing tariffs from China it makes companies want to stay in the U.S. Recently there has been a turn of events where President Trump has refrained, for a few weeks, from imposing another tariff on China as a sign of "Good Will." This has caused the tensions in the so called "trade war" to diminish momentarily, and hopefully it will lead to a deal being made between the United States and China.

There are negotiators on both sides of the "Trade War" that are trying to stop the back and forth of imposing tariffs on both countries, but they have been unsuccessful. In the spring these negotiators came close to creating a treaty between the United States and China, but Chinese officials withdrew from it because some of the demands the President Trump had offered. Because of this it has cause this prolonged "trade war" to exceed everyones expectations.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Presidential policies could be cause of current economic state

As we all know the current President has very strong stances on many important issues, but there is an area in particular that he considers his "Specialty", and that is business. President Trump believes he can run the country as one of his many businesses and that the country will prosper, and it has been so far.

Although the country is doing good now, his many economic policies are starting to affect businesses immensely. The policy that is doing this is his stance on the relationship between China and the United States economically. Trump is trying to keep jobs in America, but by doing this he is creating a trade war between the two most prosperous countries, which could be leading the United States to another recession. 

The trade war with China has already started affecting manufacturing in the last month. Many economist use the statistic of manufacturing to gage the strength of the economy even-though it only accounts for 11 percent of the United States Gross-Domestic Product (GDP).

Monday, September 2, 2019

The Current Situation with Americas economy

Since the economic recessions in 2008 and 2012, America has been on a steady incline to where we are now. Many aspects of our economy have been booming in the last several years, this includes manufacturers and housing developers. Although the economy is doing so well, there are trends that are making economists believe we are on our way to another recession. 

Living in one of the most prominent city's in the United States many of us do not see the signs that show us we will be entering another recession. But for me, being from a rural town outside of Portland, I am already seeing the effects. In my home town there has been an overwhelming influx of large housing companies coming in and flooding the market, this has caused many small, family-owned construction companies to be subjected to loosing important jobs to the larger companies. This is not the only case, in the last year alone large companies have had to cut many jobs because people are not buying certain products anymore. An example of this is General Motors, they have had to cut several thousands of factory jobs since last November because people are starting to not buy cars anymore.

It is scary to think that our economy is heading in the direction of a recession that could be equal to, or much worse than 2012, but it is something that has to be done because too many people were buying and not enough were saving. This problem can only be prevented further if large companies produce to the amount that they need to and not to maximize profit.
