Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Presidential policies could be cause of current economic state

As we all know the current President has very strong stances on many important issues, but there is an area in particular that he considers his "Specialty", and that is business. President Trump believes he can run the country as one of his many businesses and that the country will prosper, and it has been so far.

Although the country is doing good now, his many economic policies are starting to affect businesses immensely. The policy that is doing this is his stance on the relationship between China and the United States economically. Trump is trying to keep jobs in America, but by doing this he is creating a trade war between the two most prosperous countries, which could be leading the United States to another recession. 

The trade war with China has already started affecting manufacturing in the last month. Many economist use the statistic of manufacturing to gage the strength of the economy even-though it only accounts for 11 percent of the United States Gross-Domestic Product (GDP).

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